


  • Hosono, S., Masuda, Y., Nakayama, A., Toda, T., Kawamura, T. and Y. Iwata 2025. Intrasexual variations in arm morphology related to alternative reproductive tactics in Japanese spear squid. Marine Biology, 172: 25.


  • Sato, N., Tanabe, R., Chung, WS., Yamada, M., Nakayama, A., and Y. Iwata 2024. Squirting ink may play a role in the copulation of the pygmy squid. Journal of Ethology online
  • Pang, Y., Yokoyama, Y., Aze, T., Irie, T., Chen, C-S., Kawamura, T., and Y. Iwata 2024. Population connectivity of the swordtip squid Uroteuthis edulis between southern Japan and northern Taiwan using statolith trace elemental analysis. Frontiers in Marine Scicence, 11: 1424397
  • Hosono, S., Masuda, Y., Kawamura, T. and Y. Iwata 2024. Squid male alternative reproductive tactics are determined by birth date. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 291: 20240156.【プレスリリース】【Press Release in English】
  • Nakayama, A., Momoi, S., Sato, N., Kawamura, T. and Y. Iwata 2024. Ritualized ink use during visual courtship display by males of the sexually dimorphic cuttlefish Sepia andreana. Ecology and Evolution, 14: e10852. 【プレスリリース】
  • 大土直哉・神吉隆行・河村知彦 2024. メンコガニ(甲殻亜門,十脚目,異尾下目,タラバガニ科)の分布域の再検討と大槌湾から得られた脱皮直後の個体の記録.大槌沿岸センター研究報告, 39: 印刷中
  • 早川 淳・寺本沙也加・大土直哉・河村知彦 2024. 三陸沿岸におけるミスガイ(腹足綱, 低位異鰓目, ミスガイ科)の初記録.大槌沿岸センター研究報告, 39: 印刷中
  • Ohtsuchi, N., Fukuda, K. and T. Kawamura 2024. First record of Chelarctus virgosus Yang and Chan, 2012 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Scyllaridae) from the Oshika Peninsula, northeastern Japan: 300 km northward range extension of slipper lobsters. Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences, 40: 1085-1091


  • Noriyosi Sato, Hiroki Ono, Noritaka Hirohashi, Yoko Iwata 2023. Multiplicity of sperm receptacles for securing the offspring genetic variability in a pelagic squid. Marine Biology, 170: 51.


  • Iino, Y., Kitagawa, T., Abe, T.K., Nagasaka, T., Shimizu, Y., Ota, K., Kawashima, T. and T. Kawamura 2022. Effect of food amount and temperature on growth rate and aerobic scope of juvenile chum salmon. Fisheries Science, 88: 397-409.
  • Hosono, S., T. Irie, J. Yamamoto, M. Nakaya, Y. Sakurai, T. Kawamura and Y. Iwata 2022. Negative temperature dependence of statolith Sr/Ca and its intraspecific variability in experimentally maintained spear squid Heterololigo bleekeri. Journal of Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 102(5): 315-321
  • Pang, Y., C.S. Chen, T. Kawamura and Y. Iwata 2022. Environmental influence on life-history traits in male squid Uroteuthis edulis with alternative reproductive tactics. Marine Biology, 169: 33.
  • Kodama, M., J. Hayakawa, S. Oba and T. Kawamura 2022. Seasonal dispersal of gammaridean amphipods away from Sargassum beds according to the host macroalgal defoliation. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 681: 117-128.


  • Hirohashi, N., N. Sato, Y. Iwata, S. Tomano, M.N.E. Alam, L.H. Apostolico, J.E.A.R. Marian 2021. Context-dependent behavioural plasticity compromises disruptive selection of sperm traits in squid. PLOS ONE, 16(8): e0256745.
  • Iwata, Y., N. Sato, N. Hirohashi, Y. Watanabe, W.H.H. Sauer and P.W. Shaw 2021. Sperm competition risk affects ejaculate strategy in terms of sperm number but not sperm size in squid. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 34: 1352-1361.
  • Murai, R., M. Shiomi, M. Yoshida, S. Tomano, Y. Iwata, K. Sugai and N. Hirohashi 2021. All the spermatangia on a female were implanted by 1 single-pair copulation in giant squid Architeuthis dux. Deep Sea Research I, 175: 103585.
  • Shoji, J., K. Yoshikawa, T. Tomiyama and T. Kawamura 2021. Temporal changes of the fish community in seagrass beds in Funakoshi and Otsuchi bays after habitat destruction caused by a tsunami in 2011. Fisheries Science, 87: 827–836.
  • Hayakawa, J., K. Nakamoto, M. Kodama and T. Kawamura 2021. Spawning aggregation of the abalone Haliotis discus hannai and its relation to dynamics of macroalgal community. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 670: 105–120.
  • Kodama, M. and T. Kawamura 2021. Review of the genus Cleonardopsis K.H. Barnard, 1916 (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Amathillopsidae) with description of a new species from Japan. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 101: 359-369.
  • 大土直哉, 福田介人, 河村知彦, 武田正倫(2021)サナダミズヒキガニ (甲殻亜門, 十脚目, ミズヒキガニ科) の日本における分布北限について. 国際沿岸海洋研究センター研究報告, 37: 11–15.
  • 大土直哉, 日比野麻衣, 河村知彦(2021)常磐・三陸沿岸からのモガニ属2種(甲殻亜門, 十脚目, モガニ科)の新産地記録. 国際沿岸海洋研究センター研究報告, 37: 5–10.
  • Kanki, T., K. Nakamoto, J. Hayakawa, T. Kitagawa and T. Kawamura 2021. A new Method for investigating relationships between distribution of sessile organisms and multiple terrain variables by photogrammetry of subtidal bedrocks. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8: 654950.


  • Kodama, M., T. Onitsuka and T. Kawamura 2020. A new species of Sunamphitoe Bate, 1857 (Amphipoda: Ampithoidae) from Hokkaido, Japan. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 100: 63-71.
  • Kodama, M., T. Kawamura, K. Nakamoto, M. Ohtsuchi, J. Hayakawa, T. Kanki, T. Kitagawa and Y. Watanabe 2020. Dynamics of gammarid assemblages associated with a Sargassum yezoense bed: comparisons between canopy and understory strata. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 634: 63-76.
  • Kodama, M., J. Hayakawa and T. Kawamura 2020. Aggregations of Dactylopleustes (Amphipoda: Pleustidae) on diseased areas on the host sea-urchin, Strongylocentrotus intermedius. Marine Biodiversity (Oceanarium), 50: 62.
  • Houki, S. and T. Kawamura 2020. Feeding and digestion periodicities of Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum in natural intertidal and subtidal zones estimated from the morphological condition of crystalline style. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 86: 361–371.
  • 山田秀秋, 今 孝悦, 中本健太, 早川 淳, 南條楠土, 河村知彦 2020. 給餌実験と炭素・窒素安定同位体比分析から推定した亜熱帯海草藻場におけるアイゴ稚魚の摂食生態. 水産増殖, 68: 163-167.
  • 白藤徳夫, 渡邊良朗, 武田保幸, 千村昌之, 鬼塚年弘, 河村知彦 2020. 潮岬周辺海域におけるキビナゴの生活史. 日本水産学会誌, 86: 386-394.
  • 武邑沙友里, 白藤徳夫, 山根広大, 村瀬偉紀, 岩田容子, 河村知彦, 渡邊良朗 2020. ニシンにおける雌親魚サイズと卵仔魚サイズの関係. 日本水産学会誌, 86: 466-475.
  • Pang, Y., C. Chen and Y. Iwata 2020. Variations in female swordtip squid Uroteuthis edulis life history traits between southern Japan and northern Taiwan (Northwestern Pacific). Fisheries Science, 86: 1005-1017.
  • Sato, N., S. Tsuda, M.N.E. Alam, T. Sasanami, Y. Iwata, S. Kusama, O. Inamura, M. Yoshida and N. Hirohashi. Rare polyandry and common monogamy in the firefly squid, Watasenia scintillans. Scientific Reports, 10: 10962.
  • Iuchi, K., Y. Arai, K. Sasaki, N. Sato, C. Yokoyama, T. Saruwatari and H. Hisatomi 2020. A simple method for isolation and culture of primary hepatocytes from Salvelinus leucomaenis (White-spotted Charr). Cytotechnology, 72:731-739.


  • Iwata, M., Y. Yabumoto, T. Saruwatari, S. Yamauchi, K. Fujii, R. Ishii, T. Mori, F.D. Hukom, Dirhamsyah, T. Peristiwady, A. Syahailatua, K.W.A. Masengi, I.F. Mandagi, F. Pangalila, and Y. Abe. Field surveys on the Indonesian coelacanth, Latimeria menadoensis using remotely operated vehicles from 2005 to 2015. Bulletin of the Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History and Human History Series A Natural History, 17: 49-56.
  • Iwata, M., Y. Yabumoto, T. Saruwatari, S. Yamauchi, K. Fujii, R. Ishii, T. Mori, F.D. Hukom, Dirhamsyah, T. Peristiwady, A. Syahailatua, K.W.A. Masengi, I.F. Mandagi, F. Pangalila, and Y. Abe. Observation of the first juvenile Indonesian coelacanth, Latimeria menadoensis from Indonesian waters with comparison to embryos of Latimeria chalumnae. Bulletin of the Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History and Human History Series A Natural History, 17: 57-65.
  • Saruwatari, T., M. Iwata, Y. Yabumoto, F.D. Hukom, T. Persistiwady and Y. Abe. A detailed morphological measurement of the seventh specimen of the Indonesian coelacanth, Latimeria menadoensis, with a compilation of current morphological data of the species. Bulletin of the Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History and Human History Series A Natural History, 17: 67-80. 【研究トピックス】
  • Marian, J.E.A.R., L.H. Apostólico, C. Chiao, R.T. Hanlon, N. Hirohashi, Y. Iwata, J. Mather, N. Sato, P.W. Shaw 2019. Male alternative reproductive tactics and associated evolution of anatomical characteristics in loliginid Squid. Frontiers in Physiology, 10: 1281.
  • Sato, N., Y. Iwata, P.W. Shaw and W.H.H. Sauer 2019. Whole spermatangia within the seminal receptacle of female chokka squid (Loligo reynaudii d'Orbigny, 1839-1841). Journal of Molluscan Studies, 85: 172-176.
  • Iwata, Y., N. Sato, N. Hirohashi, T. Kasugai, Y. Watanabe and E. Fujiwara 2019. How female squid inseminate their eggs with stored sperm. Current Biology, 29(2): R48-R49. 【プレスリリース】
  • Hayakawa, J., M. Ito and T. Kawamura 2019. Predation by the gull Larus crassirostris on benthic invertebrates: first report of avian predation on the abalone Haliotis discus hannai. Marine Ecology, Doi:10.1111/maec.12529.
  • Kodama, M. and T. Kawamura 2019. First record of genus Ventojassa Barnard, 1970 (Amphipoda, Ischyrocweidae) from Japan. Crastaceana, 92: 1007-1013.
  • Kodama, M. and T. Kawamura 2019. A new species of Bemlos Shoemaker, 1925 (Amphipoda: Aoridae) from deep water off Tanabe Bay, Japan, with a review of the deep-sea aorids and their adaptations to the deep sea. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 39: 54-61.
  • Ohtsuchi, N. and T. Kawamura 2019. Redescriptions of Pugettia quadridens (De Haan, 1837) and P. intermedia Sakai, 1938 (Crustacea: Brachyura: Epialtidae) with description of a new species. Zootaxa, 4672: 1-68. 【プレスリリース】
  • Ohtsuchi, N. and T. Kawamura 2019. Northward range extension of Porcellanopagurus nihonkaiensis Takeda, 1985 (Decapoda, Anomura, Paguridae) in Japan. Crastaceana, 92: 577-583.
  • Nakamoto, K., J. Hayakawa, T. Kawamura, M. Kodama, H. Yamada, T. Kitagawa and Y. Watanabe 2019. Seasonal fluctuation in food sources of herbivorous gastropods in a subtropical seagrass bed estimated by stable isotope analysis, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 99: 1119-1125.


  • Kodama, M. and T. Kawamura 2018. First Japanese record of the genus Paragrubia Chevreux, 1901 (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Ampithoidae) from Kumejima Island. Fauna Ryukyuana, 45,13-17.
  • Houki, S., T. Kawamura, N. Ogawa and Y. Watanabe 2018. Efficient crushing of hard benthic diatoms in the gut of the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum - experimental and observational evidence. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 505: 35-44.
  • Nakamoto, K., J. Hayakawa, T. Kawamura, M. Kodama, H. Yamada, T. Kitagawa and Y. Watanabe 2018. Species list and the amount of macrophytes and mobile epi-benthic invertebrates in a subtropical seagrass-seaweed mixed bed in Ishigaki Island, Japan. Data in Brief, 19: 2442-2444.
  • Nakamoto, K., J. Hayakawa, T. Kawamura, M. Kodama, H. Yamada, T. Kitagawa and Y. Watanabe 2018. Taxonomically diverse macrophyte community promotes species diversity of mobile epi-benthic invertebrates in a subtropical seagrass-seaweed mixed bed. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 207: 56-62.
  • Iwata Y., W.H.H. Sauer, N. Sato and P.W. Shaw 2018. Spermatophore dimorphism in the choke squid Loligo reynaudii associated with alternative mating tactics. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 84: 157-162
  • Yamada, H., K. Nakamoto, J. Hayakawa, T. Kawamura, K. Kon, H. Shimabukuro and K. Fukuoka 2018. Seasonal variations in leaf growth of Cymodocea serrulata in different depths of sub-tropical seagrass meadows. Fisheries Science, 84: 461-468.
  • Ohtsuchi, N., T. Kawamura, J. Hayakawa, H. Kurogi and Y. Watanabe 2018. Ontogenetic habitat shift in Pugettia quadridens on the coast of Sagami Bay, Japan. Fisheries Science, 84: 211-225.
  • Hayakawa, J., N. Ohtsuchi, T. Kawamura and H. Kurogi 2018. Ontogenetic habitat and diet shifts in Japanese turban snail Turbo cornutus (Vetigastropoda: Turbinidae) at Nagai, Sagami Bay, Japan. Fisheries Science, 84: 201-209.
  • Takami, H. and T. Kawamura 2018. Ontogenetic habitat shift in abalone Haliotis discus hannai: a review. Fisheries Science, 84: 189-200.
  • 松本有記雄, 中坪あゆみ, 高見秀輝, 河村知彦 2018. エゾアワビの採苗における緑藻アワビモUlvella lensの利用可能性と針型珪藻Cylindrotheca closteriumとの併用. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 84: 291-294.
  • 松本有記雄, 伯耆匠二, 中坪あゆみ, 西洞孝広, 野呂 忠, 貴志太樹, 高見秀輝, 河村知彦 2018.アワビ類の初期餌料として好適な針型珪藻Cylindrotheca closteriumの大量培養法と採苗板への展開法に関する研究.Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 84: 233-240.


  • Takami, H., T. Kawamura, N.-I. Won, D. Muraoka, J. Hayakawa and T. Onitsuka 2017. Effects of macro algal expansion triggered by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami on recruitment density of juvenile abalone Haliotis discus hannai at Oshika Peninsula, northeastern Japan. Fisheries Oceanography, 26: 141-154.
  • Muraoka, D., H. Tamaki, H. Takami, Y. Kurita and T. Kawamura 2017. Effects of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami on two kelp bed communities on the Sanriku coast. Fisheries Oceanography, 26: 128-140.
  • Hayakawa, J., T. Kawamura, K. Fukuda, M. Fukuda and S. Sasaki 2017. Studies on temporal changes by the massive tsunami in abalone and sea urchin populations in the Otsuchi Bay by long-term monitoring survey. Coastal Marine Science, 40: 44-54.
  • Hirose, M. and T. Kawamura 2017. Distribution and seasonality of sessile organisms on settlement panels in Otsuchi Bay. Coastal Marine Science, 40: 66-81.
  • Kodama, M, T. Kawamura, K. Nakamoto, N. Ohtsuchi, J. Hayakawa, T. Kitagawa and Y. Watanabe 2017. A comparison of amphipod assemblages between canopy and understory strata in seaweed and seagrass beds off the coast of Otsuchi Bay, Japan. Biodiversity Journal, 8, 471–473.
  • Umezu, Y., T. Onitsuka, T. Kawamura and Y. Watanabe 2017. Feeding of the short-spined sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius on macroalgae and benthic animals. Fisheries Science, 83: 221-233..
  • 干川 裕, 河村知彦 2017. 北海道沿岸各海域におけるエゾアワビの資源量変動に及ぼす気候変動の影響.Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 83: 373-384.
  • 河村知彦, 高見秀輝, 早川 淳, 村岡大祐, 玉置 仁 2017. 大槌湾周辺における東北地方太平洋沖地震後の海洋生態系の変化:東北マリン拠点形成事業(プロジェグランメーユ)による取り組みとその成果.三陸沿岸の岩礁藻場における地震と津波の影響およびその後の変化.Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 83: 672-676.
  • Iida, T., Y. Iwata, T. Mori, S.A. Baba and N Hirohashi 2017. A coordinated sequence of distinct flagellar waveforms enables a sharp flagellar turn mediated by squid sperm pH-taxis. Scientific Reports, 7: 12938.

受 賞

  • 猿渡敏郎. Best Presentation Award, 第29回アジア生物教育協議会隔年会議(The 29th Biennial Conference of Asian Association for Biology Education), 2024年10月, 受賞題目「Creating THE fish of dreams. A program placing "life history" into perspective.」
  • 中山 新. ポスドク口頭発表賞最優秀賞, 日本進化学会第26回大会, 2024年8月, 受賞題目「透過が”派手”を作り出す:性淘汰がエゾハリイカの偏光シグナルにもたらした適応」
  • 中山 新. 最優秀口頭発表賞, 第7回ユニーク会, 2022年9月, 受賞題目「偏光距離を用いたエゾハリイカの求愛ディスプレイの視認性評価」
  • 工藤聖也. 第29回優秀研究賞, 日本DNA多型学会, 2021年11月, 受賞題目「mtDNA分析によるケンサキイカの集団遺伝構造の解明」
  • 中山 新. 優秀ポスター賞, 第20回東京大学生命科学シンポジウム BIO UT, 2021年10月, 受賞題目「エゾハリイカの性的二型と繁殖行動」
  • 岩田容子. 平成24年度日本農学進歩賞, 公益財団法人農学会, 2012年11月, 受賞題目「ヤリイカ類の繁殖生態に関する研究」
  • 岩田容子. 平成23年度水産学奨励賞, 日本水産学会, 2012年3月, 受賞題目「ヤリイカ類の繁殖生態に関する研究」
  • 猿渡敏郎. 第7回優秀研究賞, 日本DNA多型学会, 2005年11月, 受賞題目「トモメヒカリの生活史 塩基配列が明かすその概略」


